Un-Ideal Parenting Series
How Liars Create the Illusion of Truth During Family Court
Season 1, Episode 9
Documentary, Drama, Educational, Reality, Short Films, Talk Show
The illusory truth effect is the tendency to believe false information to be correct after repeated exposure. This phenomenon was first identified in a 1977 study at Villanova University and Temple University. When truth is assessed, people rely on whether the information is in line with their understanding or if it feels familiar.
About Dr. Rachel-Leah Levitch https://dr-rachel-levitch.generation30publishing.com
One of the most defeatist attitudes is the parents' inability to comprehend what's going on. Dr. Rachel-Leah Levitch has help clients through the metroplex and abroad with education and healthy spaces for growth for families. With any of her best-known products through the CID-EDU https://cid-edu.org Scholastic Program individuals have gone from healing to healing and ultimately change their lives and the people in their lives. The Cognitive Institute of Dallas [https://cognitiveinstituteofdallas.org] and up-and-coming RaeBabeCo. International Skin Care and Clothing's line she is iconic for helping women transform and improve their status. It is imperative in stating the pandemic has caused impeding factors for nonprofits and communities; 1 in 3 nonprofits are in financial jeopardy and volunteers are almost nonexistent. These statistics are surmounting as an increase demand for nonprofit services skyrockets. With Healthy Families First [WHFF] Broadcast & Media Launch and Dr. Levitch's community Broad leaders - they are here to change the infrastructure.
Allen Hill
Generation Thirty Publishing
+1 800-932-5004
[email protected]
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