Un-Ideal Parenting Series
Family Court and the Tension Between Rules and Discretion of the Judge
Season 1, Episode 8
Documentary, Drama, Educational, Independent, Reality, Short Films, Talk Show
In the previous episode, I made it a point NOT to speak about the horrific behavior of the United States and the dehumanization of people of color. The topic of this episode however addresses the necessary argument of "how did we get here". Historically, the United States - according to history books- began with the protection of children against corporations and now here we are.
This episode however talks about the convoluted rights and discretions of a judge and what territories they oversee. For decades we have lived with an abundantly discretionary way of resolving child-custody disputes: The
best-interests-of-the-child standard has long been understood to give
judges' acres of room to roam and choose and consider how they see "fit".
For resources see Blogger Post:
Allen Hill
Generation Thirty Publishing
+1 800-932-5004
[email protected]
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Videography produced and edited by:
This Season 1 Episodes videography and art creation are by Damiano, Crognali, Pressmaster, August de Richelieu, Mart Production Team, Tima Miroshnichenko, Ron Lach, KATRIN BOLOVTSOVA, Katrin Bolovtosva
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