Un-Ideal Parenting: Season 2
Co-Parenting Blues and Deliberate Destruction
Today's Topic: Identifying the Co-parenting Narcissist
Gray rocking is a strategy to deal with narcissists — those who depend on feeling important or special — and it essentially involves responding to them in bland, boring ways until they lose interest, said Dr. W. Keith Campbell, professor of psychology at the University of Georgia.
What is APA narcissism?
Narcissism is characterized by a pervasive sense of grandiosity and disdain, and by a strong need to be validated by others. This chapter provides an integrative review of current knowledge of narcissism, relying both on the social-personality and developmental literatures.
Moment for Parents:
One of the greatest traumas imaginable is when parents must deal with the separation of a child. Mostly by divorce or the state legislature. Producing greater stress than dealing with the relationship-loss of a parent or spouse, a child’s absence is especially traumatic because it is often unexpected; it is also in violation of the "usual" order of things, in which the child is expected to "flock" away from the parent and start college: a profession, area of study or just their own household. . .. join us for consultation and guidance.
muisc by: Never Be The Same Again (Radio Edit) GFK
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Up Next in Co-Parenting Blues and Deliberate Destruction
Co-Parenting Blues and Deliberate Des...
Un-Ideal Parenting: Season 2
Co-Parenting Blues and Deliberate Destruction
Today's Topic: Identifying the Co-parenting Narcissist
https://dr-rachel-levitch.cid-edu.orgMoment for Parents:
One of the greatest traumas imaginable is when parents must deal with the separation of a child. Mostly by d... -
AD Understandable Avoidance In Divorc...
Resources Links:
Education Institute: https://www.cid-edu.org
The Cognitive Institute: https://www.cognitiveinstitutofdallas.org
Radio Broadcast: https://www.whff.radio
Streaming Offices: https://www.whff.tv
Marketing and Research: https://www.generation30publishing.com
Press Releases: https://... -
Co-Parenting Blues and Deliberate Des...
In recent years, the term narcissism has become a word used to criticize individuals' actions of inconvenience. The term is now so over-used and characterized that our culture has water-ed it down to mean vanity or self-absorption. We are going to talk about relationships with "true narcissists...