Un-Ideal Parent Season 2: Co Parenting with the Narcissist Trailer
Educational, Independent, Reality
Un-Ideal Parenting Season 2: Coparenting with Narcissist
Today's Topic: Coparenting with the Narcissist
Un-deal Parenting Season 2
Dr. Levitch notes that narcissists are unable to care about anyone but themselves. It doesn’t matter if their financial demands are hurting another person; they deserve what they want, and they want what they demand at any cost. They will not think twice about causing someone else humiliation or ruining credit scores if it gets them what they want. They are so exploitative that not even family is a priority and thrive off abusing other people in order to feel important and soothe their ego and will even resort to spreading rumors about another person if they believe they have been wronged.
Moment for Parents:
One of the greatest traumas imaginable is when parents must deal with the separation of a child. Mostly by divorce or the state legislature. Producing greater stress than dealing with the relationship-loss of a parent or spouse, a child’s absence is especially traumatic because it is often unexpected; it is also in violation of the "usual" order of things, in which the child is expected to "flock" away from the parent and start college: a profession, area of study or just their own household. . . . join us for consultation and guidance
Only on the WHFF.tv channel and check out this course on Developing Emotional Intelligence at CID-EDU.org a nonprofit encouraging women and persons with life's transitions. Get a career and earn your worth.
music by: Never Be The Same Again (Radio Edit) GFK
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