

83% of Americans have suffered a trauma—exposure to actual or threatened death or harm. Exposures can be events that happened directly to you, or those you witnessed happen to others. More than ever we are a fast generation. Moreover; there's not a lot of time to 1) think about our actions 2) resolve longstanding issues 3) process relationships and 4) measure who we have become: holding ourselves to an account. And the unwelcoming feeling creeps in that we are not well. Haven't been well for a long time.

Look around: friendships wain and fail. And: not that you are alone or unwanted, but quietly, you just don't tell anyone. This is that support! The support that sometimes you just need a moment. Beginning April 7th Frosties will be a weekly short: offering hope, analysis and healthy dialog to get you through it. And guess what? You need that. If you want more visit and we offer what could be helpful.
We have a conference Summer 2024 and would love for you to attend.

  • Create Space Between Friendships

    Emotional and physical space from your partner nurtures the relationship because it provides a sense of independence for both. It actually keeps a freshness in the relationship and encourages each person to maintain their own sense of identity while still being a couple.


  • Signs of Trauma May Include

    Delayed responses to trauma can include persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, fear of recurrence, anxiety focused on flashbacks, depression, and avoidance of emotions, sensations, or activities that are associated with the trauma, even remotely.
    About: The Family Firm https://dr-rach...

  • Concerned Donors Like You

    PayPal Donation Link:
    We are grateful for caring and concerned givers like you. Because of you, no other organization has more impact on the lives of parents. Donate now to fuel the change that parents need to survive in heart healthy environments for me...

  • Spotify Pre Conference Excerpt 2024

    Last Years Conference: Healing From Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal and you're listening to LAST YEAR'S ticket pre-sale that sold out in 15 days!! ⁠NO COMMERCIALS!! Let's do it again⁠. This year the committee thought we needed to address political anger and the onset to division and mal...

  • What Replaces Joy

    Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships through building your personal self image & managing emotions. Your child(ren)s success depends on yours! Let's talk about fixing you the way you want. What makes you proud of "YOU"?...

  • When Spiritual Development Goes Wrong

    Whatever is your spiritual outlet: use it wisely. The indicators (pain, alienation, anxiety, guilt, loss, and despair) must or may be present in defining the characteristics of spiritual distress. The use of indicators in diagnosing alterations in spiritual health is controversial because indica...

  • Trust Your Gut

    Listening to our bodies is the best way to manage stress. Stress—it's not all in your head. The body acts as an early warning system, and people who pick up on its signals are more resilient. A new study in the journal Biological Psychology suggests that people with better body awareness tend to...

  • Creating Self-Managed Care

    because really it matters. Money matters: you cannot have a future without it. What does success mean to you? How do you have self conversations that leads you in to spaces that you want. What conversations are you having.


  • Cognitively Assessing What Going On

    Having a quiet spot you can go to is important is important for everyone. Resting your body and mind is a healthy thing to do, and a comfy place is the perfect place to do it. Think of a quiet and comfortable place in your house or classroom that you could make your designated "Comfy Place."

  • Take My Advice

    Strengthening Parent-Child Relationships through building your personal self-image & managing emotions. Your child(ren)s success depends on yours! Let's talk about fixing you the way you want. What makes you proud of "YOU"?

  • Frosties Trailer 002

    Take my open advice that life is better lived by learning from others. People are not trying to learn who you are in this age: they may be considering themselves and not you at all.

  • Sometimes Friendships Run Dry

    Life and prosperity mean different things to different people. It could simply be a white picket fence, house and a walk-in closet. OR it could be the CEO of a fortune five hundred company. Identifying what if means to you is the beginning of satisfaction and quality of life.
    About: SHAPING...

  • Frosties

    The Cognitive Institute of Dallas provides one on one services to parents by providing Brief strategic family therapy or Structural therapy. Either way; the goal of these therapies is to change the patterns of interaction between family members and/or time-limited intervention that targets family...

  • About What We Eat

    The Cognitive Institute of Dallas provides one on one services to parents by providing Brief strategic family therapy or Structural therapy. Either way; the goal of these therapies is to change the patterns of interaction between family members and/or time-limited intervention that targets family...