Trauma Collection: Bring Light Into Life
Trauma Collection
How can we feel better, even when things are hard?
Here are two important steps:
Notice you are safe.
Trauma survivors generally walk around with a heightened sense of fear or feeling of looming danger. Can you be present in your current life? Are you able to notice safety for yourself today?
Noticing you are safe today is something to practice — a way to ground yourself in the moment of NOW, whether you’re in your house, with friends, or outside in nature. Even when things in life feel heavy and hard, you can tune into the safety inside yourself. When you are feeling calm (enough) and safe (enough), notice it. You deserve to have those moments of relief.
Use your powers of creativity.
Trauma survivors are amazingly creative — crafting effective coping mechanisms at a young age to survive! It’s time to tap into that power. You can generate more calming, peaceful, and even safe moments in your life to create more balance. The more positive moments we have — the more strength we build to balance the difficult moments and learn to function from the window of emotional tolerance — allowing for a more regulated nervous system.
CREATE good moments in your life … even if they seem small. Joyful, silly, positive moments have massive benefits:
They make hard things feel more manageable
They calm our nervous systems
They bring positive energy to others
They bring feelings of connection and shared humanity
This means your creativity as a trauma survivor can help you today!
And it can help you tomorrow! As an adult who is currently safe, you can make active choices — even amidst the heaviness — that will help you feel better in the moment and in the long term! You can take action! You can exert your power!
Up Next in Trauma Collection
Trauma Collection: Small Steps Forward
How can we feel better, even when things are hard?
Here are two important steps:Notice you are safe.
Trauma survivors generally walk around with a heightened sense of fear or feeling of looming danger. Can you be present in your current life? Are you able to notice safety for yourself today?...
Healing from Trauma and Betrayal Lesson
Coming Spring 2025
There isn't a person in the world who hasn't been hurt by someone. Releasing the pain from these wounds is difficult for many, if not most. In this module, you'll learn how releasing the pain from the past is more complicated than just "getting over it." There are emotional, ph... -
Signs of Trauma May Include
Delayed responses to trauma can include persistent fatigue, sleep disorders, nightmares, fear of recurrence, anxiety focused on flashbacks, depression, and avoidance of emotions, sensations, or activities that are associated with the trauma, even remotely.
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